Podcast Archive: H2MMO Podcast: Episode 2 – Holiday Hatred

H2MMO.com: How to MMO

This is an archived post for my old H2MMO.com podcast; enjoy!

Ok, so this February has been a bit crazy – but the H2MMO staff did finally manage to get together and record another podcast. This one was recorded on Valentine’s Day (which was completely unintentional). Join me, BrettS, and BrandonY as we review Army of Two: the 40th Day, Mass Effect 2, and learn a bit more about Empire Craft. We get giddy with anticipation over Dante’s Inferno, Bioshock 2, and Fable 3 (yes, that’s right, Fable 3). Lastly, we wrap up with MMO news from WoW (where we talk about too-long holidays and the Fall of the Lich King), the Star Trek Online beta, and the latest patch fix for COD MW2.

Once again, we’d like to thank Blind Monkeez for lending their awesome music to the podcast, and you the listeners for taking the time to listen to us babble on about video games. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or any urge at all to contact us, e-mail us at: h2mmo.blog@gmail.com.

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