Podcast Archive: H2MMO Podcast: Episode 9 – StarCraftpalooza!

H2MMO.com: How to MMO

This is an archived post for my old H2MMO.com podcast; enjoy!

Well, after a difficult month of computer problems on my end, Episode 9 is finally here! We recorded this episode on Sunday, August, 15 right before my computer died. That was not too long after the release of StarCraft II at the end of July, and you can tell, because we run off at the mouth for around 45 minutes gushing like school girls about everything StarCraft. But, eventually, we did get ourselves under some semblance of control so we could also talk about Batman: Arkham City, Darkspore and the impending release of Final Fantasy XIV. So, come join me, Brandon and a special guest (my brother Matt!) for this StarCraftpalooza episode of the H2MMO Podcast.

Once again, we’d like to thank Blind Monkeez for lending their awesome music to the podcast, and you the listeners for taking the time to listen to us babble on about video games. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or any urge at all to contact us, e-mail us at: h2mmo.blog@gmail.com.

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