Upcoming Release: Darksiders II

Game Info

GAME NAME: Darksiders II

DEVELOPER(S): Vigil Games


PLATFORM(S): PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PC

GENRE(S): Hack ‘n slash, action adventure, action RPG

RELEASE DATE(S): August 14, 2012


Come get some of this! Darksiders II is slated for release on August 14, 2012. If you liked Darksiders I, this is your chance to scratch that itch to play as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. In this sequel, you play Death as he tries to prove War’s innocence in that whole “premature apocalation” thing.

Darksiders II: Frozen Undead

Darksiders II promises much more content than in its predecessor. I hope they tweaked the boss fights. I wasn’t to happy with them in the first game. That spider… Grrr! That spider! But I’m pretty stoked to rent this sequel, though, if I can find the time to play it.


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